Monday, October 1, 2012


So somedays when I go out to take my pictures, I know exactly what I am going to do and other days I just go out and randomly hold down the shutter button.  So today I just took a couple pictures here and there.  Hope you like everything!
The newest edition to our family!  She is such a cutie!  She pounces on anything and walks around like she is stalking something<3

Such a goofy, little chihuahua<3

Pretty grass<3

Pretty grass<3

Little red leaves

If you look closely this picture has a slightly less sharp look<3

Drapy leaves<3

More pretty leaves<3

Pears are soo yummy<3

A bush with VERY  poisonous berries on it:/ Yikes!

Our gate, with a sunflare<3
So yep.  Hope you like it<3

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Hey everybody!  Sorry for being gone so long...  I took an unexpected break.  A long one.  But, I am back!  And am not going to write a very long post, just update everybody with some pictures.  Maybe tomorrow I will write a longer post.
One of our pretty sunsets<3

A very powerful sun.  Although it looks like it is nice and warm, it is not.

Playing with a flash<3
Playing with a flash<3

Anna looking adorable for me<3 I love her<3
So yep.  There you have it!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I absolutely adore blossoms!  They are so pretty and elegant, I just can't get enough of them.  So here are a few photos I took today while we had some sun!  Yes, SUN!  I was so excited, I ran outside and started dancing!  It is so weird it will snow and then the next day, it is sunny and 67 degrees!  I want Summer so bad!

And some pretty grass things

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Anna was sick a couple of days ago:(  I couldn't resist photographing her, she looked so pathetic.  The sunset is from last night, it was a really weird sunset, the skies and clouds were all blueish and then there was the little spot of red.  Very weird.

This was taken a couple weeks ago when it was warm:(

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Yesterday the weather had been gorgeous all day long so, I thought we would have a gorgeous sunset.  But the weather had other plans, it turned all cloudy and muggy:(  But as I had such high hopes, I was determined not to let the weather get me down!  Here are the results of my determination.

Life is not about the destination, its about the journey.
- Unknown Author

Her secret spot

Her secret spot 2

That look

Buzzing like a bee
After a lot of time behind the computer I finally got the lighting to work with me.

I hope you like all my pictures!  Don't forget to comment and follow!

Monday, April 9, 2012

My day...

Here is a small look into my day today...

Why must you be so hard?!?!?!?

Yes all the stuff for today...  Three books are on a Kindle so add three more books to that stack.

My second self portrait.
I am pretty sure I like how it turned out.  What about you?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Resurection Treasure Hunt

Today we did something different for Easter.  We went to the early service at church, we all got up at 6:00 A.M. to get ready (crazy right/) then we came home ate a late breakfast, and did our Resurection Treasure Hunt.  My mom thankfully did the older kid version, but there is also a little kid version.  You scroll down for the Older Kid version.  Here are some pictures from all of us doing it.

We found our first clue in a egg

Reading out the Bible verse clue

Found our last gift to celebrate that Jesus has Risen

My beautiful Mom and Sister
P.S. These pictures were taken by my mom, except the one of  my Mom and Sister.