Thursday, January 6, 2011

As you probably know the reason I have not been posting is beacuse of my very hectic schedule.  For one, my coop just started back up!I am sooo excited, I get to see all my friends that I feel I haven't seen in ages!  Well it kinda has been considering I have not seen them in over seven weeks!  Isn't that horrible!lol!  Anyway, I finally got my new volleyball net up last Sunday, and I have been practicing my volleyball serves from the backline (where you are supposed to)  and it is a lot harder than it looks!  So i had to work myself up to it, by first doing it at the ten foot line and then after ten succsessful serves I would move to the twenty foot line and do the same and then finally I got to the thirty foot line and realized that it was a lot harder than the ten and twenty foot line.  Anyhow, we have been jumping on the trampoline alot and we have been just plain out busy!  Anyhow, I gotta go!